Choose products to sell through your social network.

See commissions earned for each sale made displayed on your CoFARE dashboard.

Discover Thousands Of Local Products.

Network with local business and pick and choose their products, goods or services that you would like to sell through your social network. See the commissions for each sale made from your social promotion dynamically show up in your CoFARE dashboard.

How It Works

CoFARE lets you browse through millions of products and services from retailers and sell them directly through your CoFARE account and earn a commission! It's that simple!

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    Set your own schedule & earn commission even while you're sleeping!

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    Build a following and create your own brand.

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    Promote the brands you love and earn a commission!

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    Get paid for your popularity and taste.

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    Why just pin it? You can get paid for selling it on CoFARE!

Sign Up your favorite Merchants

So you can sell their products through CoFARE!